Blowing kisses, pushing around toy school buses, singing nursery rhymes, and playing on swing sets are all part of the daily grind for Drew. He also got to go to the Cub's game on Mother's Day and you might find him brushing up on his art history--evidenced in one of the pictures above. Drew is as smiley as ever and it is thrilling for us to watch him learn to walk. He really defines the term "baby steps" as he has been remarkably cautious about standing and walking. (His daddy is pretty sure he inherited "cautiousness" from his mom. His mom is thrilled that her son might grow into a "cautious" little boy who hopefully won't hurt himself too often.) He can now "stand up" on his own and when he does he squeals in delight. He is also really big on walking holding our hand. This is a whole new world for him. We are all happier that it is warm out because there is a lot more to do. Morning strolls with daddy and Abbey have been reinstated and we can't wait to go back to the zoo.
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