Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We all want to change the world

Big doctor week for Drew as his 6 month checkup and flat head doctor appointments have come and gone. His head and neck are a lot stronger and should only be getting better. He does have a bit of a round head, but no ones perfect. His height and weight have grown steadily, weighing in at 17 lbs. (50th %) and 28 1/4 inches (95th %) and are at basically the same percentiles as they have always been. His development and eating are also on track. Some new things to be looking for are rolling over and starting to scoot around.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I ain't got nothing but love babe, eight days a week

Drew is enjoying the ability to sit up, making it easier to play with toys, friends, and watch World Cup 2010. His friend Lila came over for the day earlier this week and they played together. We also went back to the zoo this week and have been reading a lot of books.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall

Good week for Drew as his feedings have continued to include apples, oatmeal, and mixes like peas and carrots or oatmeal and banana. Also this week he started sitting up. The pictures provide a bit of a timeline as first we would sit and hold him up followed by him trying himself and tipping to the side or forward, and finally Drew sitting up on his own. The entire progression took about 5 days and he can now sit up on his own for minutes at a time. The top pictures are from a trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo and conservatory.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A day in the life

The feedings continue as Drew moved on to peas and then carrots. He will get his first fruit, a banana, tomorrow. He is spending a lot of time on his tummy and sitting up with the aid of a pillow or boppe. He entertains himself with toys, loves to hear one of his favorite books, and is very into songs aimed at toddlers. Drew is laughing and making high pitched sounds of excitement throughout the day. And he sleeps great at night. Now if we can only get him to take a decent nap.