Monday, November 19, 2012

Jade and Drew are getting so big.  Just this week Jade started sitting up really well.  Drew is busy with preschool and all the new friends that he made there.  He is going to lots of birthday parties and also to gymnastics class.  He really loved Halloween this year and he got a lot of use out of his fireman costume. He went to lots of Halloween parties and of course trick-or-treating.  Our little pumpkin was happy to come along for the ride.  By the way, the picture of Jade in a hoodie and sunglasses--we call it her "Cutiebomber" look. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall pictures

We are loving fall. Jade just looks so damn cute and snuggley in her autumn coats.  She is just about 5 months and she has started eating a little bit of solids--some rice cereal and bananas. She is not that interested in the food but seems to enjoy her highchair.  Drew is loving preschool and has made new friends. He likes to lead "circle time" at home.  He also is out of his crib and in his bed.  So if Jade ever starts sleeping through the night she will get a crib and a new roommate. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School's in session

Last Tuesday was a huge day for us. It was Drew's first day of preschool. The picture of him standing in front of the tree was  taken that morning. He was very excited to go and seemed really happy when we picked him up (although the teacher said he did get a little sad throughout the morning).  Ar school on the very first day, drew peed on the potty--which blew our minds because he had never done this at home.  Now he is going on the toilet a lot at home and we might potty train him by the time he turns three.  Jade is doing fantastic. She loves getting attention from us and smiles every time we go near her.  She is so easy out of the house whether it's shopping, the park or out to dinner.