Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And the feeling goes but my hair keeps growing

Drew's favorite toys are books. Preferably soft paged books that he can rip, but we give him hard page books which he is very good at turning the pages. He loves his soccer ball and watching Abbey chase her ball. He could play with a remote control or cell phone all day. And he is very particular. If you take the toy he is playing with away, even if it is the car keys you need to drive the car, he will let you know.

You say you want a revolution

So much has happened in Drew's life this past month. He talks non stop, often saying things that sound like da da and dog. He is eating everything and really enjoys feeding himself. He loves to stand and puts a lot of weight on his legs. No steps as of today, but it seems pretty close. When we go to the park, Drew likes to be in the action. He sits on the toys and watches the older kids play around him, communicating the best he can. He has been sleeping perfectly for the couple of months, 11 hours at night and two 90 minute naps during the day. He still loves music and has been heard singing along and seen playing some piano. At his nine month checkup last week, he weighed 19.8lbs. and was 29.5 inches long and was doing everything a 9 month old should be doing. So far so good. More pics and some videos catching up from the last month are coming soon.